Friday 24 February 2012

February Numerology Update│Latest Astro World

Numerology Update of 24/02/2012
Change is the name of the game right now. This month reminds us that we are all touched by change all the time – moment to moment. Inward seven energy give us the time and support to reflect on the changes we want to create in our lives. What will infuse your personal growth and evolution? What will enhance you being the best person you can be? Numerology for 2012.

Numerological, it is a big year! It’s a 5 year and with that comes change, growth, new possibilities, adventure, sensuality, freedom and flexibility.

2012 is bringing excitement, change, and adventure for us all. I choose to think that all is based in LOVE and JOY. My personal mantra is: “My only job is to radiate light and love.” I will now add to it: “With a foundation of joy, I am free to be all that I am.”
2+4=6. 6 means Venus and its a sing of joy and wealth creation.
Based on One to Nine numbers we can measure change around us.

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