Monday 27 February 2012

Numerology Number 2, No.2 Numerology, Numerology All Numbers, Numerology No 2,3,4, Numerology 2012 | Latest Astro World

Number 2 Meaning
Numerology for 2 is explained here with details of famous people who had No. 2 as their Day Number. Though born with weak No.2 they became famous or notorious due to their life No. and Name No. they are motivated to be co-operative. In youth you will be surrounded by sensitive, emotional and modest people. You are willing to be the “power behind the throne”, to carry out details and to support the ideas of leaders.

Imagination & Power
Number 2 people have great imagination power and creativity than others .Number 2 is connected with moon so that increase or decrease in moon’s shape will also have impact on their personal thinking. Their thinking power will more at the moon time periods. I have seen most number of 2 born person with low of esteem and they literally live their live mounted with fear and anxiety. The two great example for this are Mahatma Gandhi for his great devotion and Adolf Hitler for his superior self confidence. Though they are having different views they always find themselves at safer side and also fond of traveling. They are also connected with nature. Since they are connected with 2 Number they are constant worriers who worry for trivial issues, even the smallest issue will be multiplied into thousand by their imagination.

Sensitivity & Team Work
Number 2 is the most sensitive of all numbers.You are gentle, subtle, cooperative, tactful, diplomatic, patient, sincere, harmonious, artistic, emphatic, intuitive, supportive, loving, humble and peaceful. You are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others. You sense what other want and how they feel, you are a great team-worker and an organizational talent.
Number 2 and number 1 people vibrate together. They also join heads and hands with number 7 people. Number 2 people should carry out their policies and programmers on days which vibrate with their own such as 2, 11, 20 and 29 of a month. 

The No. 2 Persons with their Date of Birth
Date Of Birth
Thomas Alwa Edison
Adolf Hitler
Robert Clive
Lord Nelson
John Keats
Benito Mussolini
Hiro Hito
Havlock Ellis
Vinoba Bhave
Emilie Zola
M K Gandhi
Pope Pious XII
Rajiv Gandhi
Guru Nanak
Stim Ford
Challenges in Life
You find it hard to work with people because your are afraid of being criticized or, worse yet, ignored. You have a good deal of self-doubt and a definite lack of self confidence. There is a tendency to constantly worry about the opinion that others have of you. There is likewise a tendency to use this sensitivity in a negative way. Used more positively, your keen sensitivities can be a significant strength, allowing you to be acutely aware of so much of with others rarely perceive. But during this period it will be hard for you to assert yourself and make decisions. You will shy away from positions of authority and responsibility. This can be a time for accumulation of wisdom, as you show patience and pay close attention to detail. Try not to take things too personally. Friendships are a source of deep satisfaction to you during this time. Respect your ability to compromise and grow in a quiet way. Plan for slow growth rather than immediate gain.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Numerology Prediction No 1 | Numerology | Latest Astro World

Numerology No. 1 Prediction
Name Numerology Meanings tell you that If you are born with No. 1, you are ruled by Sun.
You will command, influence, and control all around you. You will be honest, very bold, and outspoken. You are diligent, straight forward, and you work hard. You come out successful in your chosen fields.
As per Name Numerology Meanings, when you are ruled by Number 1, you always maintain your dignity. You do not like to be lazy. You are confident and proud. You do not like to obey. Numerology Number Meanings for No. 1 indicate that you can shine very well in politics, astrology, medicine, teaching, and fine arts. Money comes naturally to you. You are creative. You do not work for money alone.
Numerology No.1 is kind of people who are following blindly others. They don’t believe in self-confidence and they are very self-conscious.
Dignity & Honesty
As per name numerology meanings, No. 1 makes you shy away from cheating and deceit. You become a famous leader. You excel in politics. You attract huge crowds. Name numerology number meanings warn that if No. 1 is afflicted, you become arrogant and proud. You blow your trumpet, claim false things, and face failures.
Numerology of No. 1 with Different Life Numbers....!
Name Numerology of 1 as Day Number is lucky only if your are sincere, honest, and straight forward. As success comes to you naturally, you may become proud, haughty, and pose bigger than what you really are.
As per Name Numerology Meanings, what happens when No. 1 acts with different life numbers? 1 & 2 is much different from 1 & 1. Day No. 1 can have Life Numbers from 1 to 9. Each set differs in its own characteristics.

Friday 24 February 2012

February Numerology Update│Latest Astro World

Numerology Update of 24/02/2012
Change is the name of the game right now. This month reminds us that we are all touched by change all the time – moment to moment. Inward seven energy give us the time and support to reflect on the changes we want to create in our lives. What will infuse your personal growth and evolution? What will enhance you being the best person you can be? Numerology for 2012.

Numerological, it is a big year! It’s a 5 year and with that comes change, growth, new possibilities, adventure, sensuality, freedom and flexibility.

2012 is bringing excitement, change, and adventure for us all. I choose to think that all is based in LOVE and JOY. My personal mantra is: “My only job is to radiate light and love.” I will now add to it: “With a foundation of joy, I am free to be all that I am.”
2+4=6. 6 means Venus and its a sing of joy and wealth creation.
Based on One to Nine numbers we can measure change around us.